Sunday 15 January 2012

Well if you have found my new little blog, I am betting that you have probably come from the Hyperspin forums and the link you are looking for is on the right hand side under the downloads section (which has one link at the moment, but I am sure I will dream something else up to put there sooner or later. :D )

I recently altered a few bits of the guide, adding Darkfalls wiring schematic, swapping a few of the sections to try and get a bit of better flow happening - The Why - The Planning - The How to do, and just a review after fully building my cab and seeing if I practiced what I preached.

Need to find out some more of what people actually want to see in this guide as I am happy to keep working on refining it, but need some more ideas of what people want to read. More schematics like Darkfalls but broken down to sections? More pictures of installed gear? More technical details of how things work? (Yeah right! No one is going to want that :p )

Please comment here on what you think here or on the Hyperspin forums, or any other feedback that you feel may help make this guide better.

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